Problem1466--Pythagorean theorem

1466: Pythagorean theorem

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The following figure is a figure and formula that represents the Pythagorean theorem.
Write a program that outputs the integers a, b, and c for all triangles that satisfy the Pythagorean theorem  less than or equal the hypotenuse length, given the maximum length of the hypotenuse.


The maximum value (m) of the hypotenuse forming a right triangle is given as an integer (10 <= m <=500).


The lengths of the three sides a, b, c (integers) of the triangle satisfying the Pythagorean theorem less than or equal to the hypotenuse of the maximum length are printed, one per line, as in the output example (note that a <= b<= c and the output order is in ascending order of a value, or in ascending order of b value when a values are the same, or in ascending order of c value when b values are the same).
Also, a combination of three pairs of the same values should be output only once. That is, if 3, 4, 5 is output, other combinations in that order, such as 4, 3, 5 or 5, 4, 3 should not be output.

Sample Input Copy


Sample Output Copy

3, 4, 5
6, 8, 10
