문제1296--Grade Judgment

1296: Grade Judgment

실행시간 제한: 1 Sec  메모리사용 제한: 128 MB
제출: 15  통과: 15
[제출] [채점기록] [묻고답하기] [만든사람:]

문제 설명

Write a program that outputs the appropriate grade when KTY's score is X.
The grades for each score are as follows.
  • A++ if X is 100
  • 97~99 is A+
  • A for 93-96
  • 90-92 is A-
  • 87-89 is B+
  • B if 83-86
  • 80-82 is B-
  • D+ if 67~69
  • D if 63-66
  • 60-62 is D-
  • F if X < 60

입력 설명

An integer X between 0 and 100 is input.

출력 설명

Print out KTY's grades.

입력 예시 Copy


출력 예시 Copy

